How To Talk To Your Daughter
NYDJ, women's jeans brand that makes women of all walks say "YESSS!" to finding jeans that actually fit, wanted to speak to their consumers between the typical fashion seasons.
Mother's Day presented the perfect between-the-seasons opportunity for an NYDJ brand moment. We decided to put a body positive spin on the holiday; a creative strategy that would reflect NYDJ’s “by women, for women” brand ethos and highlight the special role mothers play in shaping the way their daughters feel about themselves. We partnered with Sarah Koppelkam, author of the viral post “How to talk to your daughter about her body”, weaving the resonant words into an emotional, mantra- style campaign.
Strategically featuring two influencers -- fashion blogger Kelly Augustine and professional surfer Anastasia Ashley -- in the core campaign spot led to even more organic buzz around the campaign.
Beyond the videos themselves, this campaign had a wide social impact – generating hundreds of thousands of impressions for the NYDJ brand. Some key results to note:
- Omni-channel creative ecosystem including digital video (long and short form), VOD, Pandora ad buys, and social.
- NYDJ’s highest reaching Facebook post of 2018
- Video completion rates were 88% for pre-roll, and 54% on Pandora—well above the 35% benchmark for embedded video
- 25.7k new users driven to